A year ago I was searching obsessively for a pup. I read about the pro's and con's of different breeds, took a quiz on which dog would best fit my personality and lifestyle and so on. I got educated, I did my research. My heart had always been set on a German Shepherd or a Husky; I wanted a dog to run, hike and enjoy nature with me. I hit the jackpot when I found Mia, the best of both worlds: a Gerberian Shepsky. She stole my heart the second I looked down at her, with her beautiful left blue eye and right brown eye looking up at me (see the last image below, you've been warned: cuteness overload). My girl. She was welcomed into my home at 9 weeks old and I quickly realized how similar puppies and newborn babies are (ha!). Nearly a year later I couldn't be more thankful for her, her loyalty and her love for adventures. Happy One year beautiful Mia.
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Updated: Jul 30, 2018
There's nothing like a mid-morning hike in late July - the sun is shining, birds are chirping, the temperature is at mid 75 - just absolute perfection. That's exactly why I suggested to the Stutso family to meet me at the Hudsonville Nature Center for our Maternity + Family photo session.
Whitney was a trooper as we hiked up a few hills to capture some seriously adorable moments between her, her husband Anthony and their son Vinn. Let me note here that Whitney is approaching her nine month pregnancy mark. Her beautiful motherhood glow shines in these photos, but Vinn stole the show with his animated facial expressions, his fun with his bubbles and love for his baseball mitt. And of course I can't leave out Anthony; he was so awesome and sweet with Whitney and Vinn. Their family love is patient, kind and so stinking sweet! I am so excited for their growing family and their new arrival!
Are the photos having trouble loading from your browser or mobile? You can view their album here: The Stutso Family Hike
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